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Seminars / Symposiums

The Society organizes national/international Symposiums/Seminars where scientists and researchers working on the problems of coastal areas in the field of agriculture and allied subjects all over the country/world meet to interact and deliberate on the problems and their solutions.


So far, the Society has organized 12 national and two international symposia.



14th National Symposium on Coastal Agriculture (NSCA 2025): Harnessing Fragile Coastal Ecosystem for Food and Environmental Security

The 14th National Symposium on Coastal Agriculture (NSCA 2025): Harnessing Fragile Coastal Ecosystem for Food and Environmental Security will be held during February 28 - March 03, 2025, at ICAR-Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF), Barrackpore, Kolkata, West Bengal


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13th National Symposium on Coastal Agriculture: Fostering Resilient Coastal Agro-Ecosystems


The 13th National Symposium of ISCAR on "Fostering Resilient Coastal Agro-Ecosystems" was organized during 22nd-25th February 2023 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, ANGRAU, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India in collaboration with Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh and ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana.

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International Symposium on Coastal Agriculture (ISCA Webinar): Transforming Coastal Zone for Sustainable Food and Income Security


International Symposium on Coastal Agriculture (ISCA Webinar): Transforming Coastal Zone for Sustainable Food and Income Security was organized by Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (ISCAR), Canning Town, West Bengal, in collaboration with ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India during 16-19 March, 2021 in virtual mode.


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12th National Symposium on Coastal Agriculture: Boosting Production Potential under Stressed Environment


The 12th National Symposium on “Coastal Agriculture: Boosting Production Potential under Stressed Environment” was organized by Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (ISCAR) in collaboration with Inter-disciplinary Society for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences and Technology and Dapoli Chapter of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research at Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra during 28th September to 1st October 2018.


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Regional Seminar and Farmers’ Interaction on Coastal Ecosystem of India – Recent Development and Future Strategies


ISCAR organized a Regional Seminar and Farmers’ Interaction on “Coastal Ecosystem of India – Recent Development and Future Strategies” on 18th March, 2017 at ICAR- National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal.


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11th National Symposium on Innovations in Coastal Agriculture – Current Status and Potentials under Changing Environment


The Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research in collaboration with ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar organized 11th National Symposium on ‘Innovations in Coastal Agriculture – Current Status and Potentials under Changing Environment’’ during January 14-17, 2016 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

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10th National Symposium on Managing Natural Resources for Enhancing Agricultural & Allied Productivity in Coastal Region under Changing Climate


ISCAR organized its 10th National Symposium on 'Managing Natural Resources for Enhancing Agricultural & Allied Productivity in Coastal Region under Changing Climate' from 11-14th December, 2013 at ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, RRS, Bharuch, Gujarat.​


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9th National symposium on Recent Outlook on Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihood Security and Ecology of Coastal Region


The 9th National symposium on 'Recent Outlook on Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihood Security and Ecology of Coastal Region' was organized by ISCAR in collaboration with Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli, Maharashtra and ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal at Palmarinha Resort and Suites, Goa during October 27-30, 2010.


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International Symposium on Management of Coastal Ecosystem: Technological Advancement and Livelihood Security

The first International Symposium on “Management of Coastal Ecosystem: Technological Advancement and Livelihood Security” was held during October 27-30, 2007 at Science City, Kolkata, West Bengal. Delegates from 70 National Institutes and Universities and several Institutes from abroad attended the International Symposium. During the symposium, there were 65 papers both invited and voluntary contribution for oral presentation and 85 voluntary papers for poster presentation in different technical sessions.



8th National Seminar on Strategies for Improved Farming and Ecological Security of Coastal Region


The 8th National Seminar on “Strategies for Improved Farming and Ecological Security of Coastal Region” was organized at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) in 2005. The major topics of deliberations were Inventorisation and integrated management of soil and water resources; Advanced research in nutrient and crop management including horticulture & plantation crops & their utilization; State-of-art technologies for higher production in aquaculture and animal husbandry including integrated farming system; Mangroves, forests, agroforestry and ecological security; Integrated farming with resource recycling and Extension initiatives for sustainable economy. There was also a special brainstorming session on Natural disasters vis-à-vis stability of coastal economy with special reference to the recent Tsunami.


7th National Seminar on Advances in Coastal Agriculture and Value Addition from National Perspectives


ISCAR organized its 7th National Seminar on “Advances in Coastal Agriculture and Value Addition from National Perspectives” at Kasaragod, Kerala in 2004. The seminar was held on the major topics of Genesis, characterization & inventory of coastal soils including acid sulphate soils & its management; Water management & drainage for coastal soils; Management of plantation crops & its diversified uses; Crop management & value addition of alternate uses; Advances in animal husbandry including dairy for improved economy; Recent advances in aquaculture; Forest plantation as wind breaks and Technology transfer & changing socio-economic scenario.


6th National Seminar on Resources Management for Higher Sustainable Production in Coastal Areas


The 6th National Seminar on “Resources Management for Higher Sustainable Production in Coastal Area” was held in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh in 2001. Deliberations and discussions were held on Integrated Use of Soil & Water Resources for Optimal Management, Maximizing Productivity through Improved Management of Agricultural & Horticultural Crop Resources, Forest Resources & its Role in Maintaining Ecological Balance, Higher Productivity of Animal Stock Aquaculture & Fisheries through Use of Improved Management of Existing Resources, Socio-Economic Constraints as a Major Bottleneck for Technology Transfer & Poverty Alleviation in the Coastal Ecosystem and Climatic Hazards & their Effect on Soil Properties and Crop Productivity.


5th National Seminar on Frontiers of Research and its Application in Coastal Agriculture


ISCAR organized its 5th National Seminar on “Frontiers of Research and its Application in Coastal Agriculture” at Navsari, Gujarat in 1998. The seminar was held on the major topics of Soil & water resource management; Improved crop management & alternate farming; Aquaculture including fresh & brackish water fisheries; Animal husbandry & dairy, forestry & ecology vis-à-vis coast line stabilization and Socio-economic status & its implication for agricultural development in coastal ecosystems.


4th National Seminar on Challenges & Opportunities of Research and Development in Coastal Agriculture


The 4th National Seminar on “Challenges & Opportunities of Research and Development in Coastal Agriculture” was held at Bhubaneswar, Orissa in 1995. Deliberations & discussions were held on the topics of Soil problems & their management for sustainable agriculture; Drainage & water management; Improvement & management of agricultural crops & farming systems; Forestry & ecology for preservation of land & environment quality; Aquaculture & animal husbandry for higher productivity & economy and Transfer of technology for location specific needs.


3rd National Seminar on Strategies for Coastal Agriculture in 21st Century


The 3rd National Seminar on “Strategies for Coastal Agriculture in 21st Century” was organized by the Society at Dapoli, Maharashtra in 1992. The major themes for the deliberations were Constraints & strategies for soil problems & their solutions; Water management including drainage, Cropping systems & crop productivity including agricultural & horticultural crops; Animal resource improvement including fish production; Agroforestry, coastal forestry & ecology and Technology transfer.


2nd National Seminar on Productivity Constraints in Coastal Areas


ISCAR organized its 2nd National Seminar on “Productivity Constraints in Coastal Areas” at Calcutta, West Bengal in 1991. Papers were presented and discussions were held on Soil conservation, water management & hydrology; Crop, soil & fertilizer management; Aquaculture; Alternate land use and Transfer of technology in coastal areas.


1st National Seminar on Problems & Management of Coastal Ecosystem


The 1st National Seminar on “Problems & Management of Coastal Ecosystem” was held at Calcutta, West Bengal in 1986.  Deliberations & discussions were held on the topics of Agriculture; Fisheries & biology and Forestry & wild life.

Contact Us


Indian Society  of

Coastal  Agricultural Research

Email: iscar[dot]c[at]gmail[dot]com

Phone: +91 - 3218-299927/ 42/ 47


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