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Regional Chapters


President:                 Dr. S. S. Dhane

Vice-residents:         Dr. S.S. Narkhede

                                  Dr. S.A. Chavan

                                  Dr. M. Mahale

                                  Dr. M.M. Shirdhankar

Secretary:                 Dr. N.B. Gokhale

Treasurer:                 Dr. M.C. Kasture


The chapter has been opened by the Hony. Vice Chancellor of Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Maharastra on May 28, 2010.


  • The Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (ISCAR) shall encourage formation of Chapter of the Society at different region of the country. The objectives of the Chapters will be to have a forum for the scientists/ academicians working in the different coastal region of India to meet, discuss, and take steps to achieve the objectives of ISCAR with particular reference to the region and also to assist the main body of the ISCAR in achieving its target.

  • Upon request of not less than 10 members of the ISCAR, residing within a contiguous region the Executive committee of the Society shall consider the same and take decision regarding the formation of a Chapter of the ISCAR in the region. The name of the Chapter shall bear the name of the town (place) of the headquarters of the Chapter as a prefix and shall be “......... Chapter of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research”.

  • The Honorary Members, Life Members, Members and all other kinds of members of ISCAR residing within the jurisdiction of the region shall be eligible to become members of the Chapter of that region. They shall enjoy such privileges as the Chapter may grant. A member may transfer his/ her Chapter membership to another Chapter when he feels it convenient due to near to his place of residence/ work, etc.

  • A Chapter shall frame its own rules and regulations, in harmony with the objectives of the ISCAR and shall have its own Executive Committee for administration and control of funds.

  • A Chapter shall be empowered to collect admission fee and membership subscription of new members as well as annual membership subscription of continuing members. It can also collect contributions from Donor Members on behalf of ISCAR. The Chapter shall be entitled to retain 10 per cent of all such collections for the funds of the Chapter.

  • A Chapter may collect funds, receive donations, etc. for the said Chapter, and may expend or invest the same in the interest of the Chapter at the discretion of its Executive Committee provided that the purposes are consistent with the objectives of the ISCAR. A Chapter may open an account with any scheduled bank in the name of the Chapter and shall frame its own rules and regulations governing the financial transactions. The ISCAR shall have no liability for any transactions made by any Chapter with any bank or with anyone else.

  • A Chapter shall maintain a register of its members and shall take such action as may be necessary for collection of dues from members and Donor Members and remittance to the ISCAR.

  • Each Chapter shall submit a brief report of its activities to the ISCAR at the end of each calendar year or at least 45 days before the announced date of General Body Meeting, whichever is earlier.

  • Upon noticing that a Chapter is not functioning in conformity with the above provisions or in harmony with the rules & regulations and objectives of the ISCAR, the Executive Council of ISCAR shall take note of it and take an appropriate action.

  • The ISCAR Executive Council shall decide any other matter, concerning the Chapters, not covered in this article.

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Indian Society  of

Coastal  Agricultural Research

Email: iscar[dot]c[at]gmail[dot]com

Phone: +91 - 3218-299927/ 42/ 47


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