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Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research

Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (JISCAR)

NAAS Rating - 5.45 (2024)

Indian Citation Index - Research Impact Indicator - 0.103 (2018)
Print ISSN: 0972-1584

Online ISSN: 2584-0320

Year of start: 1983, Print version.

2018 onwards: Both Print and Online
Publication frequency: Two issues per year


Average time taken from submission to acceptance - 148 days (Last two years)

Indexed in


EBSCO Discovery Service

The Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research (JISCAR) considers for publication in English only original full length papers, short communications and review articles in the field of agriculture and allied disciplines (horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, animal husbandry, soils, water management, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, ecology, climate, policy issues, etc.) pertaining to the agricultural production and ecology of the coastal region. Review articles can also be submitted on relevant topics. Besides the journal also publishes book reviews relevant to the coastal ecosystem.

ISCAR supports open access and there is no restriction in the use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is duly cited.

Editorial Board

Editors-in-Chief:   Dr. S.K. Sarangi, Principal Scientist & Head

                               Division of Agricultural Technologies for Women

                               ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture

                               Bhubaneswar, Odisha

                               Email: sksarangicanning[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9123807762


                               Dr. T.D. Lama, Principal Scientist

                               ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town

                               Email: tashidorjee[at]yahoo[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9007094739

Section Editors:    Dr. B. Maji, Former Principal Scientist (Soil Science)                                                                 & Head, ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town, West Bengal

                               Email: b.maji57[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9433077213


                               Dr. Subhasis Mandal, Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Dairy                                         Economics, Statistics and Management, ICAR-NDRI, 

                               Email: subhasis2006[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9073073278

                               Dr. K.K. Mahanta, Principal Scientist (Land & Water Manag. Eng.)                                         ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town, West Bengal

                               Email: mahantakk[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9337188219


​                               Dr. Dibakar Bhakta, Senior Scientist, Riverine and Estuarine Fisheries                                   Division, ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, West Bengal

                               Email: dibakar.bhakta[at]icar[dot]gov[dot]in

                               Dr. Sanjay Kumar Raul, Associate Professor, College of Agricultural                                       Engineering & Tech. OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

                               Email: sanjaykraul[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No. +91-9439051997

                               Mr. Rinchen Nopu Bhutia, Scientist (Fisheries Resource Management)                                 ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town, West Bengal

                               Email: rinchenacademia[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9883509303

                               Dr. Nitish Ranjan Prakash, Scientist (Genetics & Plant Breeding)                                             ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal, Haryana

                               Email: nitishranjan240[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-7834810111

                               Dr. Sonali Mallick, Scientist (Agril Extension)                                                                             ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town, West Bengal

                               Email: sonalimallick85[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9583282266

                               Dr. Devika S., Scientist (Plant Physiology)                                                                                   ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town, West Bengal

                               Email: devikasellathdurai[at]gmail[dot]com

                               Ph. No.: +91-9597645309

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                 Dr. Abdelbagi M Ismail, Regional Representative for Eastern and Southern Africa, IRRI, Nairobi, Kenya

                 Email: A.Ismail[at]irri[dot]org

                 Dr. Manoranjan Mondal, Water Scientist, IRRI, Bangladesh

                 Email: m.mondal[at]irri[dot]org

                 Dr. Mohammed Mainuddin, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO, Australia

                 Email: Mohammed[dot]Mainuddin[at]csiro[dot]au

                 Ph. No.: +61 2 6246 5929; +61 431 073 726

                 Dr. R K Singh, Section Head, Program Leader on Crop Diversification and Genetics, ICBA, Dubai

                 Email: r[dot]singh[at]biosaline[dot]org[dot]ae

                 Ph. No.: +971 4 304 63 00


                Dr. Anil R. Chinchmalapture, Head, ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Bharuch

                Email: rcanil2014[at]gmail[dot]com

                Ph. No.: +91-9428213936

                Dr. Biplab Saha, Former Principal Scientist, ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata

                Email: biplabsa[at]yahoo[dot]com

                Ph.No.: +91-9007838940

                Dr. J.K. Sundaray, Head, ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar

                Email: jsundaray[atgmail[dot]com

                Ph. No.: +91-674-2465446 (ext. - 204); +91-9437166872

                Dr. Souvik Ghosh, Professor, Viswabharati University, Santiniketan

                Email: souvik[dot]ghosh[at]visva-bharati[dot]ac[dot]in

                Ph. No.: +91-9547504582

                Dr. S.K. Jena, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha

                Email: skjena_icar[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in

                Ph. No.: +91-9437221616

                Dr. Gouranga Biswas, Senior Scientist, ICAR-CIFE, Kolkata Centre, West Bengal

                Email: gbis47[at]gmail[dot]com

                Ph. No.: +91-9434689392

                Dr. Shishir Raut, Scientist (SS), ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Canning Town

                Email: shi_cssri94[at]yahoo[dot]com

                Ph. No.: +91-9230214732


                Dr. Sudipta Tripathi, Assistant Professor, School of Environment and Disaster                                Management, RKMVERI, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur,

                Kolkata, West Bengal  

                Email: sudipta_t[at]yahoo[dot]com

                Ph. No.: +91-9433137644


Proceedings of the International Symposium of ISCAR on Coastal Agriculture, March 16–19, 2021


T.D. Lama, Dhiman Burman, Uttam Kumar Mandal, Sukanta Kumar Sarangi, H.S. Sen



The INDIAN SOCIETY OF COASTAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH is happy to bring it to the attention of all workers and students a monograph on ‘Saline and Alkaline Soils and their Management’ has been published in november, 2001.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT? The monograph has been authored by very experienced workers in the field of soil salinity management with the primary objective to serve the research and field-level workers engaged in practical management of salt affected soils, at the same time, the students of both undergraduate and post-graduate standards to get informations to update their knowledge on the subject from academic and practical points of view. It is handy, though comprehensively prepared, with the latest of information for

  • Students of undergraduate and post-graduate level

  • Research workers to formulate and plan future programme

  • Field-level workers for diagnosis, characterization, and field


  • design for reclamation and management of salt affected soils


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US $5 (outside India) only plus postage & packing (US$) 2) by air mail

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Indian Society  of

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